Looking into the future - Down the Barrel of a Loaded Month

December 3rd, and I start feeling the effects of the seasonal bingeing to be.
Not a cheesy Christmas song on the tannoy in some shop, not decorations hung so low from streetlights that they entangle and strangle, not that. What made it feel so harsh is that I don't want anything, don't want to do the whole deal this year. No big surprise, laziness can strike without warning, but I want November back!
Anyone else find November got blurry-fast from the 5th onwards? Seemed like the next day was Rememberance and then whoosh! It's the last month of a short year.
I wonder, did this year promise something we're still waiting for?
Droughts, heat waves and power shortages in Europe? Nope, got those.
No more attacks on New York City? So far, so good! (fingers are crossed)
Toronto got 4 more years of (I'd say) competent leadership with a hope in hell of repairing the F'd up things about this city. That's good.
Hey, a tax on commuter cars for parking downtown? Hah, sweet.
Fewer cars on the road than city planners' projected? Ye Gods!
OK, so Christmas isn't looking too bad.
I jumped the gun. With that big barrel that may turn back this way...
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